Saturday, June 30, 2018

The beginning of a new interest

Pianos are one of the most beautiful and intricate of instruments.  Growing up, many of my family members played different instruments, and I have tinkered on a few but have always been drawn back to the piano.   Up till 6 months ago, the interest was just in playing, but I had the opportunity to take a piano tuning and repair correspondence course based in California. Which led to this new project.

This is the first of a series of posts on the steps I'm taking to repairing an 88yr old Stroud piano. 
  I'm excited to share with others what I learn as I study up and  work on this project.    There will be links listed in these posts, to videos of  professional piano repair men, that have been a great help to me.
   In the near future I wish to start a piano tuning and repair business and hope with this project to gain some more experience
Looking forward to posting more over the next few months.